18780 State St
Corona, CA 92881
826 Paseo Grande
Corona, CA 92882

How we work

How we work

Our mission is to provide the best service, care and match
for you and your family
  • 1. Assessment

    We start with a face-to-face or telephone meeting (if you are out of state). Meeting with our senior clients(s) and family members to gather information. We assess your medical, physical, and emotional needs, preferred social environment, location preference and budget for care and housing. Our goal is to get a better understanding of each person’s unique needs.

  • 2. Research

    After we meet with you and your family, it is time for you to relax and take care of each other while we roll up our sleeves and start identifying appropriate communities. Our goal is to determine which options can best meet your needs and expectations.

  • 3. Tour

    Next, we will schedule and coordinate on-site visits for you. We will accompany you while you tour communities. We will help take notes, share our observations, explain options and assist in the decision-making process if you would like. Our goal is to help you choose your new home and be happy with your decision.

  • 4. Follow up

    Once you have decided on a new home, we will help you reach to other senior resources like transportation, caregiving and health care services. Several follow-up visits and calls are made after placement to ensure your family member is settling in comfortably. Our goal is to continue to serve you and your family, assisting with any concerns or questions that arise.

    24/7 Free Services at 949-306-8258

    Care coordinator: Gabriela Apotrosoaei

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